Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Economic Empowerment

Empowering people, shaping futures, transforming Africa’s economic landscape.

Enable a community to innovate, and you empower an economy for a lifetime.

Our approach to Economic Empowerment programming in Africa

We are igniting a powerful wave of change across the continent by equipping communities with the tools, skills, and opportunities they need to drive lasting economic growth. Through Economic Empowerment ForAfrika we’re not just breaking the cycle of poverty—we’re building pathways that enable individuals and communities to truly thrive. Our integrated approach tackles financial barriers, cultivates entrepreneurial spirit, and creates job opportunities, ensuring that everyone—especially women and youth—can actively contribute to and benefit from Africa’s economic transformation.

Key objectives of our Economic Empowerment programming

Economic Empowerment ForAfrika is changing lives and building resilient communities across Africa.

Increased household incomes

Strategic market engagement and targeted interventions boost incomes and economic stability.

Thriving local businesses

Support for micro, small, and medium enterprises (mSMEs) creates jobs and drives local economies.

Empowered women and youth

Inclusive opportunities ensure that women and youth play key roles in economic growth.

Sustainable communities

Local capacity-building and financial inclusion initiatives promote long-term resilience.

Key interventions of our Economic Empowerment programming

Financial inclusion

Implementing Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) to enhance financial literacy, savings mobilisation, and access to financial services.

Business development support

Providing market assessments, business planning, entrepreneurial training, and access to financing for mSMEs.

Youth employment

Offering vocational training, job placement programmes, and digital job opportunities tailored to current market demands.

Sustainability and localisation

Building local capacity and supporting community-led economic development to ensure resources stay within the community.

Economic Empowerment programme resources

The latest updates on Economic Empowerment

Read more +03 October 2024 By ForAfrika in Africa, Economic Empowerment, Education, Emergency Response, Food Security and Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

A life inspired by Africa

“Potatoes! Potatoes!” came the cry up the stairwell of the six-story apartment block in Maputo. It was the early 1980s and Mozambique was in the midst of civil war – and a famine.
Read more +22 July 2024 By ForAfrika in Africa, Economic Empowerment

Photo Essay: Pan-African Women’s Day

Today, we celebrate Pan-African Women’s Day which, according to the African Union, is “a day to celebrate and acknowledge the Foremothers of Africa who gallantly fought for the liberation and development of this continent”. It is a day dedicated to recognising the vital role women play in achieving the continent’s inclusive growth and sustainable development goals.
Empowering women changes the whole storyRead more +15 September 2023 By ForAfrika in Economic Empowerment, South Sudan

Empowering women ‘changes the whole story’

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