Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Right from the beginning, they were far from alone. Drawing on their connections, they reached out to everyone they knew.

Together, as a community, they were able to send three truckloads of relief to the people of Pambarra, Mozambique.

Our work

With our dedicated staff and partners, who live and work in our communities, we will continue serving the people of Africa. We love this place, and we love our people.

In this time, we have:

Expanded our work from one to eight countries.

Grown our team from a group of family and friends to 527 dedicated professionals.

Increased our programme sectors from one to six to encompass emergencies, water, food, health, education and economic growth.

Broadened our approach from addressing immediate survival needs to incorporating multiple community-led programmes that integrate with each other to enable self-sufficiency and transformation.

Progressed from assisting a single village to reaching 4,221,541 people across Africa in 2023 alone.

Amplified our investment in Africa to $74 million in our 40th year.

We celebrate our staff, communities, partners, and donors alike for their invaluable role in this journey. We reflect on “40 years ForAfrika” with a promise that says we’re committed to the long haul, until the job is done and communities are enabled to thrive.

40 years ForAfrika

The icon has Peter’s fingerprint embedded, which is extremely important to us. It signifies the incredible mark he left on humanity and our continent and bears the tagline “40 years ForAfrika” because ForAfrika is for Africa!