Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you. Please send us an email, write us a letter or chat to us on social media.

Programmes are designed to save lives, improve health, empower individuals, promote skills development, promote education, increase food security, increase livelihoods and develop resilience and stability. Interventions are selected based on an assessment of the community needs as well as environmental factors.

01. Affiliate office locations

40 Serpentine Gardens

T: +61 498 479 998
E: [email protected]

180 John Street
Toronto ON M5T 1X5

T: +1 647 493 4249
E: [email protected]

Junghansstraße 5
70469 Stuttgart

T: +49 (0) 711 480 40 460
E: [email protected]


Eventyrveien 32 A
2016 Frogner

T: +47 41067619
E: [email protected]

Schwellistrasse 6
CH-8052 Zürich

T: +41 (0)44 500 36 36
E: [email protected]


International House
24 Holborn Viaduct
London, EC1A 2BN

E: [email protected]

1300 I Street NW, Suite 400 E,
Washington, District of Columbia,

T: +1 (202) 706 5333
E: [email protected]

02. Operational office locations

Zona Industrial II
Bairro Cambutao
Benguela, Angola

T: +244 923 758 634
E: [email protected]

Road G
House 200
Maputo - Coop

T: +258 823050228
E: [email protected]

1st Floor
Adventist Headquarter Building
21 KN 65 Street,

T: (+250) 732 90 02 23

Plot 123 Marina St, Nooitgedacht

T: +27 (11) 548 3900
F: +27 (11) 548 3996
E: [email protected]

Fourth Floor, UAP Equatoria Tower
Nimra Talata, Hai Neem
Juba, South Sudan

T: +21 1921715177
E: [email protected]

P. Box 845 Arua; Plot 1, Angundru Lane,
Anyafio Central Cell, Mvara Ward, Arua Hill Division-Arua City