Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Donate from South Africa

Contact us:

Plot 123 Marina St, Nooitgedacht, Johannesburg, 1747

T: +27 (11) 548 3900
F: +27 (11) 548 3996
E: [email protected]

Donate from South Africa

Your donation unlocks South Africa’s abundant resources for its most vulnerable people.

Ways to give from South Africa

Whether you choose to make a monthly donation, leave a gift in your will, partner with us to meet your CSR goals, or host a fundraiser, there are many different ways you can donate to charity and support us from South Africa.

Donations via bank transfer can be made directly to :

Bank: Standard Bank
Account Name: ForAfrika - Donations
Account Type: Current
Account Number: 02162-7045
Branch Code: 018005 (051001 for electronic payments)
Swift Code: SBZA ZA JJ

Please use your full name as your reference.
Proof of payments can be sent to [email protected]