Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.

Emergency response

Angola: Worst drought in 40 years continues to devastate families

A drought stricken village in Bai­a Farta, Angola.

The World Food Programme estimates that most of Angola’s six million food insecure residents live in the affected areas.

Disaster overview

The worst drought in 40 years continues to devastate families in Angola. Sunburnt fields, dry pastures, dying livestock, depleted food reserves and locust infestations have caused excessive damage to crops.

Vulnerable families, affected by multiple shocks have been left to sell valuable assets due to a loss of livelihoods and food, while others have fled in search of food, water as well as grazing land for suffering livestock.

Looking for new pastures: Agro-pastoralists have left their families in search of better living conditions in drought-stricken Angola.

Benguela, Cunene, Huila and Namibe.

Assist vulnerable families with emergency food and provide daily meals to children through local schools.

Work with vulnerable households to create food gardens near available water points.

Your donation will help provide:

  • Food
  • Therapeutic food for malnutrition clinics
  • Seeds and implements for food gardens
  • Water

Emergency in numbers

School Children receiving food
Community members receiving food
Homes benefitting from food gardens

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12 July 2024 By ForAfrika in Current emergencies