Empower 20 million Africans to sustainably provide for themselves by 2032.
The future of sustainable development in Africa is inextricably linked to the progress of educational systems.

ForAfrika implements an integrated approach to education, aiming not just to educate children but to enable them to thrive amidst broader community challenges. By focusing on holistic development, our education initiatives not only improve literacy and numeracy but also address socio-economic barriers that hinder learning. This includes tackling issues like food insecurity, healthcare access, and infrastructure development to create a conducive environment for learning.

Our Approach

ForAfrika implements an integrated approach to education, aiming not just to educate children but to enable them to thrive amidst broader community challenges. By focusing on holistic development, our education initiatives not only improve literacy and numeracy but also address socio-economic barriers that hinder learning. This includes tackling issues like food insecurity, healthcare access, and infrastructure development to create a conducive environment for learning.

Our programmes emphasise community involvement, ensuring local ownership and sustainability. By partnering with governments, NGOs, and local stakeholders, we enhance educational quality and relevance, preparing children for future opportunities and equipping communities to overcome barriers. This integrated strategy cultivates resilient communities, with education as a fundamental driver of sustainable development across Africa.

Key objectives

Key focus areas

We are dedicated to creating child-friendly schools where every child can thrive. We prioritise cognitive and academic learning outcomes, alongside enhanced teacher training methodologies that nurture care, self-worth, dignity, respect, inclusivity, and support emotional and physical well-being. We improve physical infrastructure, including classrooms, WASH facilities, and child playgrounds, while providing age-appropriate learning materials that cater to diverse needs, including disability and gender responsiveness.

We focus on enhancing student learning outcomes by equipping teachers with evolving skills through robust pre-service and in-service development. We collaborate with teacher training colleges and emphasise continuous professional development.

Addressing immediate food insecurity issues is central to our school feeding programmes, which not only enhance access and academic performance but also promote long-term community sustainability. Starting with school-based feeding, we empower teachers, caregivers, and learners with farming skills through school gardens. These gardens serve as learning centres before scaling up to households and communities.

We integrate health and nutrition screenings, safe water access, sanitation and hygiene, caregiver support, and pre-primary education to ensure holistic growth, safety, and cognitive development. Investing in ECD leads to higher completion rates in primary and secondary education, increased lifetime productivity, and greater community involvement.

We prioritise school infrastructure development to create conducive learning environments. We identify gaps through accessibility audits and community engagement plans, then implement context-appropriate designs.

We promote active involvement of parents and caregivers to enhance learning outcomes and community participation and nurture supportive educational environments.

We support schools in accessing government subsidies, meeting standards, and establishing effective governance structures to ensure quality education delivery. Feedback mechanisms involving students, parents, and community members are integral to our approach.


Thanks to you, last year we enabled quality education​ for 1,471,014 people.

People reached
School meals served
School makeovers​
School gardens

*Our impact in 2022

Our core programmatic pillars

Emergencies, Water, Food, Health, Education, and Economic Empowerment.

Sustainable Development Goals

Our Education interventions directly contribute to SDGs: 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10.

Where we work

We implement Education programming in Angola, Central African Republic, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Uganda

Program resources

Education capacity statement
Improved access to inclusive quality education for vulnerable girls and boys.
Sustainable Development Goals
Our Education interventions directly contribute to SDGs: 2, 4, 5, 6 and 10.
Early Childhood Development
We integrate health and nutrition screenings, safe water access, sanitation and hygiene.
School Infrastructure Development
We prioritise school infrastructure development to create conducive learning environments.

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